Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is the most commonly recognized form of Acupuncture in the West. When most people think of what acupuncture treats, it's under this umbrella ie: pain, gastrointestinal disorders, gynecological and fertility issues, autoimmune disorders, immune function and more. There are 12 meridians (channels that form a network, a super highway for the energy in your body) that correlate with an organ in our bodies both directly and indirectly. For example, the lung meridian can treat a cough or cold, or the stomach meridian can treat gastrointestinal disorders. Acupuncture treatments, using the TCM theory, work to diagnose the disharmony within "sick" meridians and bring them back to health. Each person presents differently and each treatment is designed specifically for the patterns seen in that patient.
It has been my experience that it is best to use both TCM and Five Element acupuncture together for better results.
Five Element Acupuncture is based on the premise that our bodies are a reflection of nature, which include the elements of Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. Within each element are characteristics that reflect points of balance and imbalance. Each of us is predominant in two of the elements and acupuncture is used to bring someone back into homeostasis, the balance point where we can create and maintain health. Five Element treatments address mental, emotional and spiritual disharmony by treating the root cause of issues such as trauma, PTSD, anxiety and depression. It is also used to help someone align with their true self, the place that allows them to live with the most growth, connection, harmony, worth and security with the ebbs and flows of the world around us.
When receiving Five Element Acupuncture, your predominant elements will be identified and used as a foundation for treatments. Coupling Five Element with TCM theory is the most comprehensive and effective approach to healing.
Disease can begin with our emotions and mental health. It can also be a result of our physical disorders that take a toll on our mental and emotional health.Our bodies do not compartmentalize conditions and disorders. Acupuncture can treat both, together.
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