Acupuncture and Mental Health
Why is acupuncture so effective for our mental health? The neurological impact of traumatic events as well as learned coping mechanisms to try to course correct creates a somatic memory in our tissues and cells. Cognitively, we understand our situations and lived experiences, but many times, we have gone a step further and our bodies have created disruptive pathways in order to try to protect and preserve us from further harm. These stored cellular memories over time, create disharmony that presents itself as symptoms of anxiety, depression, autoimmune disorders, strange and peculiar symptoms that a medical doctor cannot diagnose, as well as patterns of pain. We can thank our bodies for responding in a protective manner with the initial onslaught of trauma or stress, but overtime, this becomes disruptive as we try to navigate our lives. Acupuncture is highly effective when treating these stored memories in our cells and tissues, it can connect with our bodies and help us gently process our physiological responses and let them go. It communicates with our superhighway of energy that has stored and tucked all of these hardships away, to where we can't cognitively access them, and gives them a way to move on. Living as a trauma survivor, with PTSD or chronic feelings of anxiety and depression is not a life sentence. Our protective mechanisms are an impermanent response to impermanent events and can be resolved.
In addition, Acupuncture can help take our sympathetic nervous system (SNS) out of fight or flight mode which then allows our parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) to have the room to work at full capacity, our rest and digest mode. We need access to our PNS in order to maintain a consistent state of well-being. This system can easily become stifled by the SNS when we experience PTSD, trauma, anxiety and depression. Acupuncture treatments focus on finding balance and equilibrium within the nervous system to allow for true healing.
What Conditions Does Acupuncture Treat?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Incorporating the Seven Pillars of Wellness
In addition to Acupuncture, incorporating the seven pillars of wellness into a wholistic treatment plan will allow for an optimal outcome in healing. Taking small steps in each of these areas make a big difference when enhancing our mental health. Not all areas need to be addressed, just those of interest to each individual client.
Acupuncture and Preventative Wellness
Fitness and Exercise
Nutrition Counseling
Meditation and Mindfulness
Sleep, Rest and Recovery
Intuition and Body Connection
Creativity and Joy
*Whenever necessary, I work alongside licensed counselors and therapists to preserve a clients safety, health and overall best possible outcome.
Ready to take the first step towards a healthier you? Book a free consultation and start your journey towards optimal health and wellbeing.
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